This Song Hits Me Where I Live
6 podcasts
Jerusalem, 2017
Broadcast from 9/4 – 9/9/2017 on The Real independent radio station, Paris.
Link to soundcloud
Jerusalem, 2017
Link to soundcloud
During my residency in Jerusalem, I called my friends and family via Skype and asked them to play a song that was meaningful to them. Afterwards, they told me personal stories about why this song plays an important role in their lives.
‘Where the magic happens’ and why music touches us so much is difficult to put into words, because something arises in music that cannot be expressed through language. The work therefore makes the attempt to communicate listening experiences that arise through an emotional access to a song, in images and personal stories, and thus make them tangible for others.
‘Where the magic happens’ and why music touches us so much is difficult to put into words, because something arises in music that cannot be expressed through language. The work therefore makes the attempt to communicate listening experiences that arise through an emotional access to a song, in images and personal stories, and thus make them tangible for others.
Thanks a lot for the wonderful conversations that we had!
@Wera Buck
Paul Burkhardt
Neus Estarellas Calderón
Max Duarte
Rotem Gerstel
Lisa Götze
Mirjam Hahn
József Hárs
Robin Hearfield
Gabriel Hensche
Sophie Innmann
Claudia Kaufmann
Claudia Kübler
Duje Medić
Lukas Langguth
Martin Panitz
Judith Peterka
Tal Rosen
Eden Sarna
Guy Shahaf
Verena Sprich
Sylavain Tiberkane
Stefan Todor
Riki Werdenigg
Peter Wirsching
Walter Wirsching